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Showing posts from December, 2012

The Song Of Ice And Fire: An Empirical Gudie To Survival of the Game of Thrones.

In no particular order: You can safely skip the detailed description of the food being served. It rarely has anything to do with the way people consuming the food will die. Besides, there are only two cuisines in Westeros: Northern, where everything is glazed with, braised with, or dipped in honey, and Southern, which is a hot snake stew. The rest of the world eats horse and puppies on a stick. You don't have to try to memorize ancestral lineage of every character in the books. Most of them will die soon enough, and the rest will talk about their fathers, grandfathers, and grand grandfathers endlessly, so you will learn anyway. Regardless of how carefully and meticulously somebody plans something, that something will never come through. Once you embrace this simple concept, you will save yourself a lot of disappointment, because everything always goes terribly wrong. Strangely enough, all that does happen is commonly a result of an elaborate plan of some shadowy character, o...